LSAT 116 – Section 2 – Question 17

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Target time: 1:54

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J.Y.’s explanation

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No small countries and no countries in the southern hemisphere have permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council. Each of the five countries with a permanent seat on the Security Council is in favor of increased international peacekeeping efforts and a greater role for the United Nations in moderating regional disputes. However, some countries that are in favor of increased international peacekeeping efforts are firmly against increased spending on refugees by the United Nations.

If a country has a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, then that country is not a small country and not a country in the southern hemisphere. Each country with a permanent seat is in favor of increased international peacekeeping efforts and a greater role for the United Nations in moderating regional disputes. However, some countries in favor of increased international peacekeeping efforts are firmly against increased spending on refugees.

Notable Valid Inferences
Some countries in favor of a greater role for the United Nations in regional disputes are not countries in the southern hemisphere.
Some countries in favor of increased international peacekeeping efforts are not small countries.
Some countries in favor of a greater role for the United Nations in regional disputes are not small countries.

Some small countries do not want the United Nations to increase its spending on refugees.
Could be false. We only have information in the stimulus about countries that are not small countries. This answer choice is outside of the scope of our conditions.
Some countries in the southern hemisphere are not in favor of increased international peacekeeping efforts.
Could be false. We only have information in the stimulus about countries that are not in the southern hemisphere. This answer choice is outside of the scope of our conditions.
Some countries that have permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council are against increased spending on refugees by the United Nations.
Could be false. This answer is a popular invalid inference form. It is possible that no countries with permanent seats are against increased spending on refugees.
Some small countries are in favor of a greater role for the United Nations in moderating regional disputes.
Could be false. We only have information in the stimulus about countries that are not small countries. This answer choice is outside of the scope of our conditions.
Some countries that are in favor of a greater role for the United Nations in moderating regional disputes are not located in the southern hemisphere.
Must be true. You can always make “some” inferences between “all” statements that branch off from a common sufficient condition. There must always be some overlap between “all” statements.

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