LSAT 116 – Section 2 – Question 23

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Toxicologist: Recent research has shown that dioxin causes cancer in rats. Although similar research has never been done on humans, and probably never will be, the use of dioxin should be completely banned.

Summarize Argument
The toxicologist concludes that the use of dioxin should be completely banned. The support for this recommendation is that research has shown that dioxin causes cancer in rats.

Identify Argument Part
The claim in the question stem is used to support the toxicologist’s recommendation that dioxin be completely banned.

It is presented as the hazard that the researcher is concerned with preventing.
The hazard that the researcher is concerned with preventing is cancer in humans, not cancer in rats.
It is presented as a benefit of not acting on the recommendation in the conclusion.
The claim in the question stem is used as support for the recommendation in the conclusion, not as a benefit of not acting on the recommendation in the conclusion.
It is presented as evidence for the claim that similar research will never be done on humans.
The argument does not provide evidence for the claim that similar research will never be done on humans.
It is presented as a finding that motivates the course of action advocated in the conclusion.
The research mentioned in the question stem is used to support the recommendation in the conclusion to ban dioxin.
It is presented as evidence for the claim that similar research has never been done on humans.
The argument does not provide evidence for the claim that similar research has never been done on humans.

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LSAT PrepTest 116 Explanations

Section 1 - Reading Comprehension

Section 2 - Logical Reasoning

Section 3 - Logical Reasoning

Section 4 - Reading Comprehension

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