I feel like I'm psyching myself out for Saturday by looking at all these trends that show the RC having gotten harder over the years. I'm worried that I'm scoring well on most PTs because they were administered while the section was easier, and having ...
... to 165ish range) my Reading comp had severely gotten ... -12 - -14 (my readingcomprehension is terrible despite being a ... with me and LSAT readingcomprehension...someone suggested for me ... and my readingcomprehension still sucks. I started reading the WSJ ...
I still have like 6 weeks until test day and I have improved a lot over the past two months. Readingcomprehension is currently a work in progress but I'm feeling pretty good. What should I be doing from now until test day?
Was wondering if I could get your advice on my situation: I'm currently doing alright on my LG and LR sections, but can't seem to break 20/27 on my RC sections. Which 7sage package would you recommend I get if I am planning to give ...
So I just took this practice test today and I noticed that the readingcomprehension was much easier, whereas LR was moderately difficult but the games were much more difficult (usually my best section). What are your guys's experience with this test
Hey folks,
I'm having a hard time with RC. I take way too long and the notes (words, circling, and underlining) I make on the passages almost never help me. Any strategies that have helped you improve would be greatly appreciated!
If you had to name the top 5 things you always keep in mind while doing the RC section, what would they be? I am really having trouble breaking a -6 average on RC and was looking for some helpful hints that I may be overlooking.