I can no longer view my study buddies' analytics. Is anyone else having the same issue? Is there any way to fix this problem, @"Alan Cheuk" @"Dillon A. Wright" ?
I am currently reading the updated thread by Dillon.. But there seems to be contradictory answers. Was the floors 1-8 (game 4 of the section), the experimental? Thanks.
Starting 7sage LSAT prep has shown me that I need to go to the basics and learn grammar properly. English is my second language and I speak it fluently but, my reading skills definitely need an upgrade. Just a thought
So I have decided to withdraw from the Septermber test and take it in December. I am averaging at around 165 need to push it to a 170 plus. Would upgrading to Ultimate+ be useful? Is it worth the extra $200? I know what the added ...
... the stater course, can I upgrade to the next level for ... the difference? If I can upgrade, will the difference of extended ... through the material and then upgrade and repeat.