... them on the side. After a year of study, I have improved ... about 1:20 to finish each question). Then, right after I take ... the question right/wrong and howto improve upon it.
to each question after you BR them individually ...
... tostudy the LSAT I was immediately drawn to my score. Even after ... and there was no option to pause for a question. ... daunting. The key is to reaffirm faith and believe that ... mark showed me how bad I want tostudy law and I ... is that no matter how bad your PT's ...
... lsat. I began studying again after taking a three month break ... at 152. My goal is to get to a 160. However, recently ... levels and focus has begun to drop! I need help getting ... more. I quit my job tostudy all day!
It is very hard to talk to friends or family about this ... test can understand how hard it is and how emotionally draining it ... for understanding. I have decided to postpone taking the LSAT in ... 've used that time tostudy. I just want to say I really ...
... it'd be nice tostudy with someone that has ... semester a bit (wanted to take in december) but ... bother writing in addition to getting caught up with ... I am again however, hoping to write in december. I think ...
... resumed again since late May after my exams. From then I ... those tests. I tried to drill into each sections but ... -5,-4 level due to either I misread a rule ... you have any suggestions on howto improve points in my case ... it be wise for me to postpone the test till ...
I am sorry if this was already discussed, but I cannot seem to figure out howto enter my BR score into the answer sheet after I already entered my original score. Could somebody please let me know howto proceed?
Thank you.
... and just simply getting used to the new question types helps ... had a 9 point drop! How discouraging :(. It's like finally ... is still one more mountain to climb..with only 6 weeks ... left to reach the top (I know ...
I went through 4-9 Forms today and I feel overwhelmed. How did you guys remember all these? Do I just need to watch the Invalid Argument Forms videos to understand? Mind blown.
... to implement the suggested theory of skipping a really hard question. How ... do you define which ones to skip? Should ... in a question, I want to stay on it. In my ...
... my weakest section. But after close to 6 months of intensive prep ... are mostly due to not being able to fully comprehend the ... passages (or enough time to digest them). For example, ... a mental image, which contributes to less understanding of the passage ...
... (133) because I wanted to learn everything first. I literally ... though I tried very hard tostudy for it at least ... it....I know exactly howto find the right answer ... I LITERALLY have to go back to a sentence and ... to do practice tests...but I don't see how ...
... I am going back to it to re- familiarize with what ...
I know I need to listen to that voice that tells me ... do other people do to force themselves to move on when ... again if you wait to go back to it later? (Because ... don't move on.) How often do you guys look ...
... high LSAT scores...any suggestion howto increase reading speed and accuracy ... study schedule and strategy? I started with a diagnose of 148, after ... full time for two months, improved to 153 ( ... or at least lower 160s) after two more months' study?
... educational publishing company. Now on to my questions!
to study for the LSAT and ... , do I need to buy supplemental books or ... be the September LSAT. How much is the additional ... fee and how long does that extend ...
... because I was learning howto conquer this test. After studying as often ... top tier law school. I study for at least 35 hours ... much time trying to understand the test and howto solve each question ... it being not beneficial to just to problem after problem of the ...
... test that we were told to do was a 149 - so ... but definitely need to improve. I was just wondering how often I ... the 4 hours a day tostudy like this calls for, but ... advice on the best way to optimize my time??
... it seems like during my study sessions I'm stuck at ... anyone have any suggestions for howto improve upon time management in ... waste of precious final-month study time. Please let me know ... logic games first in my study plan. After a month of studying ...
... I was sent this LR study guide a couple of months ... I hope this helps those study for the upcoming LSAT!
- Howto weaken an argument?
It ... Questions:
- Very similar to sufficient assumption questions in that ...
I made a mistake on when transferring from paper to the online answer sheet, I used to be able to see an option to change the answer right below the score portion but it is not there anymore...any other methods?
Whelp… unfortunately, after doing so well with studying ... I have not even attempted tostudy. In my defense, I ... tips, advice, and encouragement. How do you manage your time ... healthy amount of time to dedicate to studying a week? Lastly ...
After "Introduction to sequencing games 3", t would be really handy to have ... of explaining howto draw them, howto interpret them and howto pair them ... down, but don't really cover what to ... br />
I suppose to some its obvious but when ...