Well since the same people hopefully created the Feb 2014 LSAT, I was wondering how you guys felt about the Dec2013 LSAT? I found it to be reasonably well. Nothing too crazy. Any one else?
I love comparative reading passages! LG are easier in the new ones than the old ones that is for sure. and RC is much harder I agree with this too.
How did you guys find the dec2013 lsat? If you purchased it on here I mean.
I tried doing that, but I was tired during my lunch hour and after work! I quit my job two weeks ago. After getting a 155 dec. 2013 (initial diagnostic of 139) I know I can get my 160! Then again I have a wife that can help me out financially. Good luck!
@cgracia12 Whoop! I'm class of 2014 (graduated Dec. 2013) I am taking June as well. Living and working in Houston currently. I don't always get to go to College Station but would be great to meet up sometime!
Yes I did take officialDec 2017 test. Sorry typo on my part. I'm 30% through the CC. It's been a slow start with working full-time and two kids. Hoping to get back in the groove of studying.