... second I could figure it out. This tends to go on ... ) and I end up running out of time. This is especially ... have any suggestions for getting out of this mindset?
I printed my ticket and the yellow ink was low...the top left corner that says "LSAC" turned a pink color. Does this matter? Everything else turned out fine.
... a question and freak/stress out because I know I should ... 've realized that by freaking out and being scared will never ... the exam tomorrow and shout out to those that are still ...
So I faxed my cancellation form and got a receipt back, but I am still nervous that something got fucked up. Should I do anything else to make sure they know of my intent to cancel? Or should I just let the process play out?
Just wanted to clarify something. For both rules in in out games are we able to make the inference that one of the two items has to be in the 'in' group and one in the out group?
hi, I just got my LSAT score and am trying to figure out where to apply/what my chances are at different schools. Does anyone know what are the best/most accurate sites that tell you this?