How many minute(s) (max-min) do you guys aim for when reading a RC passage with reasonable comprehension? Do you read more for comprehension, or simply for relative placement?
Hi 7Sage! I love this forum, sorry to pester you all again with walls of text.
Background: I started studying the June 2007 test. I did well on the RC/LR sections but only got halfway through the second game of the LG section before I hit 35 ...
... section is very time consuming. 15 mins for each problem set ... is fine but 15 mins to review the answers ... problem set takes way over 15 mins. Am I the only ...
Does anyone know if we're allowed to bring a thermos into the test if it fits into the gallon sized bag? I usually am drinking coffee all day, and am worried about crashing mid test if I don't have any for the break.
I haven't taken a PT since early December, but my lowest score was 146 and my highest was a 157. I started Last September with about 2 months of not studying in between (finals, Midterms, Xmas break, etc.).