... RC section) and BlindReview it, but DON'T lookat the answers. I suggest ... "Create drill with 4 passages" at the bottom right when finished ... in to the Breakout Session at the appointed time. We ... so you can review the section together.
... say buckle down and take BlindReview (BR) very seriously. Try to ... and answer each week, or at minimum 1, and really dig ... areas that you're weakest at according to your analytics and ... important that you do not lookat the answers until you fully finished ...
Hey guys, for those of you who wrote the June LSAT, have you or do you plan to blindreview it? I'm thinking about doing that this week - although part of me wants to save it for a re-do closer to the Sept. LSAT.
... under timed conditions and their blindreview, specifically for RC and LR ... are you experiencing during your blindreview? Do you generally get everything ... you getting close to your blindreview score?
For RC, do you guys blindreview by reading the stimulus and going through the questions? Or do you just forget blindreview, and go straight to J.Y. explanations? Or both?
So on PT 's with experimentals I avg around a 154 because i get to 18 questions per section. When i finish the exam during blindreview i get in the 170's. Not sure if i can improve my timing by december...Anyone have advice on what to do?
im a bit confused, after the first blindreview section it just jumped to a practice exam with all the sections when all ive done so far is some grammar and intro to arguments sections.
... understand how to apply the BlindReview method to full length PT ... uncertain ones, go back and review uncertain ones after the test ... the course asks you to blindreview a set of a dozen ...
... and blindreview score at that time), I got 150 as blindreview ... br />
How you guys do blindreview for Reading? I usually have ... for blindreview without taking time. And then I lookat the ... video for each article when I just finish blindreview ...
... up to run this here BlindReview workshop for y'all. Here ... through the [free] sections on BlindReview, either in the 7sage course ... here: http://7sage.com/the-blind-review-how-to-correctly-prep-for ...
Can anyone point me in the right direction to the December 2016 BlindReview Group? I don't know if one has been set up yet, although I do know there is currently a group for the September 2016 test. Would certainly appreciate it. Thanks