I have a question about the strategy ... read the whole passage and Ican understand most of it ... example, 3 mins to read a passage, but 6 to ... crazy even if I understand the passage when I read. ... out questions.
... with someone that has a better understanding than you. ... though - I've actually got a tutor from TLS I'll ... during my school semester. I studied a lot during my last ... LSAT studying so I did what I could to maintain ... hell I was doing in the first place, and can ...
... concepts straight, it was a psychological killer. I was really second-guessing ... the answers shortly afterwards. I started improving a lot (down to - ... section some of you might use it to gain more ... a section, no more. There are many more mistakes that you can ...
... Kaplan, they say if A is correct then it'll ... be a rare candidate who takes a chance on ... by stating that media is a huge part of national ... ? Because that is why I disregarded A as an answer, thinking ... , no one trust them... Can someone help me where my ...
... progressing in 7sage at roughly a topic per day with ... until the actual test. I only have the basic plan ... the 2007 test..Should Iuse this as a baseline or my ... score of 132 when I took a PT the first time ... on this site where we can practice certain sections and ...
... drive so that I may be able usea business size ... that nature. However, when I transferred some of the ... on his own computer. I understand that there may ... by paying for them I thought I would be able ... the purposes of printing. Can someone please tell me ...
... day, I took a PT and didn't diagram anything or use any ... of the methods the LRB instructed me on. I received a ... , diagrams, conditional logic, etc. I just use intuition and it serves me ... about a -7. I am hoping that in the next week Ican improve ...
... I wanted to do law school and bought a giant Princeton Review ... LSAT book. I wanted to ... logic games. My question is canI realistically expect to crack 170 ... not knowledge at all, so canI learn to think better?
So I posted a thread previously about whether to include a 5th section on ... the statement came up that I shouldn't pt today at ... have any experience here or can share their take or insight ... chance of ) that can come off doing a pt and reviewing today ...
Hello, I am currently scoring at 158 consistently, yet am aiming for a 163 at the least. I have been studying for a while and have seen my score already rise by 12 points. CanI make further ground?
... until this point, I've only taken a few practice tests intermittently ... choosing which practice tests to use and which to drill ... Logical Reasoning Question Sets, which use problems from LSATs 1-38 ... preptests to review with. If Iuse the earlier tests (1-38 ...
... course my timing could use help, but I'm fairly accurate. During ... able to see where I'm at after a few PTs on ... as many of them as Ican. I don't have the money ... best to see where I'm at after a few PTs and ... and helping to create such a great community to turn to ...
I thoughtlessly assumed all info in ... were relevant or open to use...I noticed a pattern from PT 56 ... where there's distracting info that can ... keep a testtaker from finding the ...
... self-studying in September. I decided to self-study due ... means to afford a tutor or enroll into a course. I am currently ... guys know of any strategies Icanuse to improve my Logical Reasoning ... I took a diagnostic for the first time, I score an 135. When I ...
... />
The reason I ask is that from what Ican tell so far ... , is that causality is a method ... that the test-makers use in the ... other methods the test-makers use to construct arguments or are ...
... enough do it in a timely manner that paralyzes ... not push through with a few more scenarios which ... possible worlds (he has a separate video for it underneath ... For me however when I approach a game that has limited ... help me out with what Ican do with the exam ...
... studying completely by myself, I took a few weeks off to compete ... in a bodybuilding comp, but I went right back into it. I work ... that we're a week from the exam, I literally find myself ... just don't know if Ican put another full week of ...
... are familiar with lifting, and Ican't really call myself an ... injury. In a similar way, I've realized that Ican't just burn ... my foundation isn't solid. Ican easily tell through my BRs ... my form to see how Ican fix it.
... 70 (October 2013) I got a 156 with 68 as ... Preptest 69 (June 2013) I got a 156 with 68 as my ...
Preptest 68 (December 2012) I got a 156 with 68 as my ... on that website a 155 is a raw score of 65 ... the scoring scale... If anyone can resolve, reconcile, and explain ...
... practice tests to use to get a score from, so i'm using ... fresh PT that i did with blueprint i scored a 153, and my ... />
Any opinions on things that ican add to make it better ... blueprint was a 157 with constant fluctuations. I felt like i had accuracy ...
So, I've been accepted to two ... to get into a top 5 school. I have a 161 now, but ... am seriously thinking about retaking in February. Can ... retaking hurt my chances at all? I also have a 3 ...
... was incredibly disappointed when I got a 158. I usually get perfect scores ... last night when I found out I only scored a 158 again. a school I'd be happy at. But Ican't imagine ... for a day now and I could really use any outside opinion. I totally ...
... -December administration, so I really only had 6 ... on the LSAT. I have a 3.7 GPA from ... I have a pretty good application other than the LSAT and I KNOW Ican ... do better because I was PTing ... years limitiation mean that Ican't take the lsat ...
... 2014, got a 145. From taking PTs, I knew before I took it ... it turns out I learned that there is a point where it ... even for me. I actually slacked off a lot the first time ... sets. My question is canI and should Iuse other prep companies or ...
Can one use scrap paper or not during the LSAT? I have seen a couple ... of different things re: scrap paper... I took ... one PT and I thought it said ...