... wanted to gather some opinions from you all about how you ... after the mid PT 50s to late 50s, and it ... games before what I consider to be the modern LSAT ( ... if the newer games continue to be so different and ... this is LSAC's response to ever more clever test ...
... received my highest score to date. I got a ... a 174 for my blindreview. My first practice test ... 169 blindreview. Does anyone have any tips on howto improve ... my score will continue to improve dramatically! I just ... wanted to post this, because I ...
... as BR. Then, I would review my answers. However, I noticed ... question timed (I find out how much time per section I ... do a blindreview if I feel like I need to. Then, I ... the question right/wrong and howto improve upon it.
... limited and to be used wisely (i.e. blindreview and review all wrong ... , and will never be able to increase my score again. I ... passages, but I just want to confirm that I am using ... away, or tell me howto correctly use the rest of ...
... actual timed PTs however, after Blindreview my score goes up by ... while now, I would like to see some improvement on the ... have any suggestions/tips on how I can turn my BR ...
In other words, is going through the whole course and the 35 prep tests enough to realize one's maximum potential? Is it necessary to do other earlier prep tests under timed condition? Also, after blindreview, is it necessary to do the tests repeatedly?
... practice. I would like to hear from my fellow 7Sagers ... is the best way to approach my next level ... per week and focusing on BlindReview and weaknesses (for example, ... PT's and go back to 7Sage's lesson).
... per week, but only up to 3 max.
... this. There used to be a chart for how many incorrect/correct ... see where you used to be able to select if you wanted ... to view incorrect/correct, individual/stacked, and blindreview ...
... recommended time to complete the Practice Test's, complete blindreview and then ... 'm wondering how long this actually takes other people to accomplish? Can ... anyone give me a rough estimate of how ...
... know you can't expect to see a huge increase in ... course. But any success stories to keep me motivated would be ... book or the lsat trainer to supplement. I thought 7sage would ... you drill, drill, drill and blindreview is key right? I read ...
... and just simply getting used to the new question types helps ... had a 9 point drop! How discouraging :(. It's like finally ... is still one more mountain to climb..with only 6 weeks ... left to reach the top (I know ...
... from mid/high 150s to low 160s. The blind-review method has improved ... I am concerned with rescheduling to December. I am worried I ... I am also concerned about how much it will affect my ... likelihood of being accepted due to the "rolling applications" process. < ...
... my time completely. How would you recommend me to time myself with ... since I only have access to 4 sections PTs... such as ... whether if it's ok to bring in 3 analog watches ... room, and set them all to 12, and press start each ...
I went through 4-9 Forms today and I feel overwhelmed. How did you guys remember all these? Do I just need to watch the Invalid Argument Forms videos to understand? Mind blown.
... It was a humbling experience to say the least. Anyways, ... Things are just finally starting to click. Concepts I have ... decided I am going to withdraw from tomorrow's ... I am not sure how I should continue studying until ... and I just want to jump ahead because Im ...
... anticipating that I would need to rewrite. I was scoring in ... off from studying, I want to get back into the swing ... howto study in the absence of clean PTs? Is drilling with blindreview ... my best bet? Should I review old PTs ...
... />
My plan is to work hard to perfect both the Logic ... to try and do at least 2 prep tests a week, blindreview ... , and correct all of my answers to make ... ? If you do, how do you deal with ... and took control of how nervousness got the better ...
What I want to encourage everyone to embrace is delayed celebration ... deserved confidence. I had to prove to myself that this score ... right AC. This is what BlindReview has taught me.
... until my complete review & proved to myself that I ...
How should study for december? I ... all of the prep questions to my disposal. My weakness is ... still primarily reading comprehension. How should I go about studying ... my last chance....dont want to do worse than i just ...
I've been studying on my own with books but I really need to improve on LR to do well in December after bombing Sept. So I new to such terms as drilling and blindreview.
... to implement the suggested theory of skipping a really hard question. How ... do you define which ones to skip? Should ... in a question, I want to stay on it. In my ...
... give me some suggestions on howto improve my score on timed ... -145. However, when I do blindreview or take double time (such ... min), my score goes up to 155-160. I have already ... language, I don't rush to under the stimulus better. If ...
... practicing RC passages, or even blind reviewing them.
... are mostly due to not being able to fully comprehend the ... passages (or enough time to digest them). For example, ... mental image, which contributes to less understanding of the passage ...
... to score 165. I just recently discovered 7sage and the whole blindreview ... thing and have started to implement it. My BlindReview score ... My goal is to be able to finish each section but ... 'm not exactly sure howto practice timing outside of ...
... I am going back to it to re- familiarize with what ...
I know I need to listen to that voice that tells me ... do other people do to force themselves to move on when ... again if you wait to go back to it later? (Because ... don't move on.) How often do you guys look ...