Has anyone created their own LG pkg sort of like the ... maybe a list of each question type for each LG question type ... want to pay for the LG pkg just yet. Anything would ... , those who have purchased the LG pkgs, is it worth it ...
... organize the physical workspace for LG? How and where do you ... that in the context of LG, the workspace is the page ... mental space in the rules list. One must either erase it ...
... 've probably made every stupid LG mistake in the book at ... rule wrong, question stem wrong... list goes on and on. Obviously ... even a small mistake in LG that carries through in a ...
... gearing up for June and LG is holding me back from ... in March to focus on LG--did drilling by type, but ... got -5 and -6 on LG. Worth mentioning that I do ... 've also been running a list of every mistake I've ...
The question is fairly self-explanatory, but here's one of a number of examples: PT 4, Sec. 3 rates the overall difficulty as a 3/5 in the Question Bank but a 1/5 overall under the Free LG Explanations list. Can anyone clarify? Thanks in advance!
... br />
I also made a list of the LR questions that ... turn makes you faster in LG.
---keep going back ... a math oriented brain so LG came way easier than ... the part of the brain LG calls on. I found ... that is why I like LG.
---**Positive Attitude is ...
... a user wrote about which LG's he did prior to ... one of those that feels LG is your greatest strength, I ... it helps. I wanted to list the user's name for ... testing.
Here's the list:
PT2 games 3 and ...
... - which is better? doing the list method or reading through and ... recent PTs. I either start list method and then find the ... reading and have to do list method because POI is not ...