... of at a crossroads with LSAT prep and potentially where I ... signed up for the September LSAT. My goal is to get ... test date to the December LSAT to give myself more study ... I do well on the LSAT I'm a strong candidate ...
http://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-1-section-1-passage-4- ... to be viewed from a new perspective. However, the Kaplan answer ... current perspective, and not a new one.
I'm ... not trying to promote a new perspective on the work of ...
Currently I have the following:
10 New ... Actual, Official LSAT PrepTests with Comparative Reading ... 52-61)
The LSAT Trainer by Mike Kim LSAT Trainer on my own ...
Is it better to take the September LSAT if I want to enroll for the fall of 2015? Or would it matter if I change my test date to the December LSAT? Do schools give all of their scholarship money to their first applicants?
Probably the majority of us seeing this discussion forum have not taken the LSAT before, but, do you have any special advice, experience, do's and don´ts that you would like to share regarding LSAT test day?
Hey everyone, I keep getting around a 155 (highest 157) LSAT score on practice tests. I am very nervous about writing the actually LSAT test next Saturday because I have not yet reached my goal of 160-162. Should I still write the test?