So, I'm currently completing the sufficient assumption section of the CC, and I have a question about diagramming. When I'm currently doing the practice problems and problem sets, I find that I am most successful (95% and
JY mentions by full proofing if you didn't do the question in the proper time, to go over it several more times. whats considered the proper time for each logic game? Do i give myself an extra minute or two if its a hard logic game?
Just to give some background: I have a high-160s score and plan on retaking in June. LR is my weakness. On my official test, I got -10 (combined) across the two sections. I have been retaking old tests, but am thinking about how best to ...
I am new to 7sage and I have not completed the cc yet and am wondering if I should finish the cc before I start drilling the topics that I recently finished with. Any help would be great, thanks guys.
Hi all, is there a way to print out questions from the QBbank? I would like to start drilling LR questions and find it easier to do them on actual paper so I can take notes and underline what is important to retain. Thanks.