I work full time, and get home pretty tired. So far, I have studied in the evenings. But seems like, I can do better if I try studying in the morning. Any suggestions? What's your ideal time to study?
... test when I had more time to study and not apply ... studying for the LSAT full-time to retake in December with ... way more time on my hands than I ...
I was just setting up my schedule for the ... to June enough of a time commitment to ensure that I ... of my allotted LSAT study time doing drills focusing on my ...
... LSAT. I was a full time college student and thought a ... been back at work full time since graduation and have not ... dedicated nearly enough time to this. I thought about ... myself such as "By the time I am 30 I want ...
I run out of time when during PT 51 before filling the answer sheet for last five questions (took me around 15 seconds) should I exclude all of the five questions from my score? Or deduct a point from my total score?
... the point where every single time I mark something for BR ... got it right the first time. The good news is that ... say that most of the time my wrong answers are due ...
When you draw sub-game board or mini game board for questions that add new rules, do you draw "X cannot be here" or "X must be here" rule each time? Or do you just refer to the original board for those rules?
I know LSAC has been changing it up lately. When was the last time they pulled this baby out? Do we see this happening soon ? I enjoy them more than a lot of other games but I am just curious as to when this rarely used game may be making a comeback
... week; however, I work full-time and I have no idea ... huge amount of additional study time. Before I apply for this ... insight about working full-time or part-time and how this has ... their test score? (Obviously more time is better, but I also ...
Hi there! Long-time lurker finally posting on the ... forums for the first time. For what it's worth ... the LSAT for the first time in September after using 7sage ... work experience in a legal setting as well as a few ...
For those getting consistently - 0 in LG, how do you guys do in timing?
Do you usually have bunch of time left after doing all 4 games? or do you need full 34 min (excluding 1min for bubbling)?
... of you guys used goal setting techniques or methods that help ... it would also help with setting smaller target scores that you ... " I know you've mentioned setting goals here before. Any suggestions ...