LSAC recently released PT 101 to 158 following the ... you would like to take PT1 to 89 following the August ... /RC).
Current - The modern, 3-section LSAT (LG/LR/RC ... format, which has 3 scored sections and 1 variable experimental section ( ...
**1.** Navigate to the Drills section ... "Obsolete format" for PTs 1–94.
**3.** Filter drills by section ... the Virtual Tutor Pick! The PT questions are randomized.)_
... is fairly simple. One PT each week on Saturday non ... -negotiable. Review of PT on Sunday. Set out ... week depending on how my PT went. Plan usually involves ... I would then do 1-2 recorded live classes before ... to -2 and LR are -1 to -3.
... copy over the numbering (1 2 3 4 5 6 beneath the ... . My way around that is 1. using roman numerals instead of ... quicker. 2. only marking slots 3 and 5. I borrowed this ...
Can someone ... ". Why is it JUST day 1 and 3. I mean, it could ... ). Why is option "Day 1 and 3" correct as opposed to "Day ... 1 and 5", which is incorrect ...
I don't know why this trips me up SO BADLY, but I ended up switching this one to the correct answer in my BR.
BUT, I watched the video and I reasoned it differently.
We're taught that, if we're given a premise, we have to take it to be true, ...
Hi, I recently upgraded to the Ultimate bundle and bought all the recommended PTs at Cambridge. All of this cost me a little over $1000. I've been working through the core curriculum and am now in the process of doing the problem sets. Is it worth it to ...