... it comes to the problem sets, I dont do as well ... around as I do with blindreview but becuase I have changed ... “lessons” easier than the problem sets? thanks
... understand how to apply the BlindReview method to full length PT ... uncertain ones, go back and review uncertain ones after the test ... doing problem sets, and the course asks you to blindreview a set ...
I just started the core curriculum, at what point should I start using blindreview?
If I should I be using it for the problem sets at the beginning, then how long should my timer be?
How do you do blindreview with the problem sets when checking your answers? All I see are the correct answers when I go to check my first rounds answers
Anyone having a hard time changing answers during the BlindReview? I find myself biased toward the initial answer chosen and convince myself to stick with the original choice regardless if it turns out to be right or not...
Hey guys, for those of you who wrote the June LSAT, have you or do you plan to blindreview it? I'm thinking about doing that this week - although part of me wants to save it for a re-do closer to the Sept. LSAT.
Do we blindreview every section? So basically review all of our circled questions ... choices etc.? We basically can review the whole test at a ... length PT's do you blindreview the same day you took ...
... JY's videos on the blindreview and why doing it correctly ... 1 and 2 of the blindreview. If I can't come ... are already drilling PTs and blind reviews. But I'd also ...
... under timed conditions and their blindreview, specifically for RC and LR ... are you experiencing during your blindreview? Do you generally get everything ... you getting close to your blindreview score?
For RC, do you guys blindreview by reading the stimulus and going through the questions? Or do you just forget blindreview, and go straight to J.Y. explanations? Or both?